Alternative Formats
Alternate text formats are also referred as “alternative media”.
SAS Offers assistance to qualified students in obtaining alternate formats for textbooks and other course reading materials.
The most common types of alternate reading formats are produced as Braille, enlarged print and electronic text (e-text). E-text and digital text often refers to any text that can be read electronically in a computer environment with software programs such as JAWS and Kurzweil 3000 or using listening equipment.
E-text (most popular format)
E-text and digital text often refers to any text that can be manipulated or read electronically in a computer environment with the help of software programs such
as JAWS or Kurzweil 3000. A video is available that will help guide you through the E-text accommodation process.
This non-profit organization has a large collection of book titles already in digital format. SAS can provide eligible students with a free membership when a publisher decides to distribute their E-text through the Bookshare library.